This blog was developed in order to showcase some of my more chilling concept work in progress as well as document early influences. These are visions of haunted dreams on darkest nights... distant memories to be relived over and again in fitful slumber:

It is a springtide in time forgotten; with eyes ajar, I can still feel my childish fingers brush lazily against long dry grass in a field that is littered with stones. A hazy sun slips behind the dark cool clouds. I wear cut-offs and squat barefoot on the graying loam. The goblins are here. I can see their dread features hidden in the twisted crags of broken rocks...drawn in shiver lines.

Blast From The Past_part 01

>> Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lust For A Vampire [1971] Pencil Sketch

Unpublished work from the 1990's in a quick sketch style for a sculpture project that required several movie vampire illustrations painted on its surface. I like to base rendering style and design approach on the needs of the job rather than applying one specific approach to creative situation.
This sketch was made from movie still from a Hammer Films production that was part of The Karnstein Trilogy [1970–72] which was fairly daring in its day. The photography, costumes, and set design completed in the impeccable Hammer style were what caught my attention.

Lust For A Vampire TM Hammer Film Productions.  

The Howling Influence [ Art Transforms.]

>> Sunday, March 13, 2011

...and the transformation scene from The Howling [1981.]

The Howling is TM and © the respective holder[s.]

This movie was probably the first modern horror film I saw as a kid. It was playing on HBO or maybe USA Network. The great drawings used as suspense builder for the scares to come [by production artist Richard Hescox] were a big plus too.

Half-Done. [Dermoids Wicked Progeny]

>> Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Dermoid in the process of becoming...

Oops John Totleben influence is showing.

Dermoids Wicked Progeny and All Associated Images © and TM Tom Hicke.

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Shiver Lines and all content created by Tom Hicke therein unless otherwise posted is TM & © Tom Hicke

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